About Our Company

Yessin & Associates, LLC and our UK counterpart, Employee Relations Advocates, Ltd are recognized as industry leaders and innovators on both sides of the Atlantic. Our clients are typically sophisticated industry leaders with long track records of success. They demand the same in their professional services providers, and we strive to meet and exceed that expectation on every assignment. At times, our involvement is discreet, and confidential.  If you were not in the "C-suite", you likely would not know we were there. Other clients want us center frame. Our professional project teams often include veterans of industry, commerce and healthcare. Where desired, we provide a strong governmental affairs offering to complement the project team in the Americas and the EU. 

Applying Labor Law to Business Needs.
We Know Them Both

The Team

Yessin & Associates attorneys and human resources executives have vast labor and industrial relations experience, and are complemented by operations executives with manufacturing, healthcare, logistics, marketing and e-commerce backgrounds. Former union organizers often join human resource executives and healthcare providers on project teams. Our principals and advisors include political veterans from both sides of Capitol Hill, offering insights gained from the Justice Department, US Congress and Westminster. Contact us to discuss your needs in more detail...

Experience + Creativity = Unparalleled Success